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New Airport Office in Accra

New Airport Office in Accra

OMA Logistics Ghana recently moved their Accra Airport office to the Swissport office facility. The move is in direct response to OMA’s expanding business in the growing Ghanaian air freight market. With daily shipments ranging from urgent ships spares, high...
Revised Ghana Port Tariffs

Revised Ghana Port Tariffs

The Ghana Ports & Harbour Authority have issued revisions to the Port Tariffs effective 1st April 2018. Please find below: Ghana Ports & Harbour Authority – Tariff CIrcular (effective 1/4/18) Ghana Ports & Harbour Authority – 2018 Tariff...
New Airport Office in Accra

Cotonou Port News

The Port of Antwerp International (PAI) has been appointed by the Benin government to modernise Cotonou port facilities, improve the port management and boost traffic. A three month trial began on 22nd January, after which PAI will take over the management of the...
Revised Ghana Port Tariffs

To Abidjan with the Togo Ladies team!

Last week the Togo National Ladies team, including Futurestars players Odette and Amira, boarded an Air Côte d’Ivoire flight to Abidjan to play in the WAFU Nations Cup representing their country. Raman Ibrahim, Futurestars manager in Togo commented: “I am so proud...