OMA Group Holiday Hours
Please find below our holiday opening hours over the Festive period Tuesday 24/12/2019 Half Day All offices Wednesday 25/12/2019 Closed All offices Thursday 26/12/19 Closed Ghana Open Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Togo Friday 27/11/19 Open All...
New Port Tariffs for Ghana
The Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority has issued new port tariffs for Tema and Takoradi which will come into effect from 2nd December 2019. All vessels calling at Tema and Takoradi will be charged as per the new tariffs from this date. Please see below the...
Youngest Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
Huge congratulations to Nathaniel Nti who was recently welcomed into the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers as the youngest fellow of the West Africa Branch. Nathaniel’s hard work and dedication to the Branch from serving as student co-ordinator and now secretary has...
Keeping the Gulf of Guinea Safe
Following a competitive tender, OMA was honoured to be appointed as agent on behalf of worldwide logistics partner MLS (Multinational Logistic Services) to handle a slightly unusual navy vessel at ports in Senegal, Ivory Coast and Ghana recently. The expeditionary...